PARENT INFO SESSION: What Every Parent Wishes Someone Had Told Them About How Their Child’s Brain Learns

Join us for an important evening of learning!! We are thrilled to have Dr. Chris Mattatall in our school to share his wisdom on how our children's brains learn.
Please save the date: October 18th, 2023 @ 6 p.m. in our new music room.
Title: What Every Parent Wishes Someone Had Told Them About How Their Child’s Brain Learns
With all the new discoveries being made about the human brain, one enduring truth remains: the parent is the most important influence on early brain development and the ongoing trajectory of human learning. Parents are a child’s first teacher, and the home is a child’s first school. In this session, Dr. Chris Mattatall opens up a discussion about how children’s brains develop in the Elementary school years and how parents can play a role in the development of their child’s beliefs about learning, ability and intelligence, and how they view and value themselves in a world of confusing messages about self.
Dr. Chris Mattatall is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Inclusion in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge. He teaches courses in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Dr. Mattatall conducts research in areas related to reading acquisition and intervention.
We hope to see you tomorrow night!