January 20th, 2022 Update

January 20th, 2022 Update
Leader in Me - Our students and staff are busy preparing their Wildly Important Goal. Please ask your child what their WIG is and how you can help them achieve it! All students have leadership portfolios they’ve been working on all year. Students will be sharing their WIG progress and Leadership Portfolios at our March Celebration of Learning. The more celebrations we have of their growth, the better!!!
Stavely School WIG:
100% of our students will achieve their reading WIG by April 2022.
Skating - We will begin skating this Wednesday, January 26th, 2022 and our last day will be February 9th, 2022 (we have a lot of activities planned for the 16th so need to be at the school). Please note that we walk to the arena so it is best to have students’ equipment in a bag that they can carry on their own.
Students must bring skates, CSA-approved helmet, and gloves. Snow pants are highly recommended. Parents are asked to please join us (if possible) to help tie skates (parents are pleased asked to wear a mask). If your child needs to borrow school skates please email cyrt@lrsd.ab.ca no later than Tuesday, Jan. 25th, 2022, in the morning so they can be fitted. Children are allowed to bring hockey sticks as long as they have a CSA-approved helmet and mask. Thank you for helping us!!
Skating Schedule
12:45 p.m.—1:25 p.m.: Grades K-2
1:30—2:25 p.m.: Grades 3-4
2:30—3:30 p.m.: Grades 5-6
Kindergarten - Our K class joins us for school on Friday, January 21st, 2022. We’re excited to have them three days a week now!!
One School, One Book - We are launching our One School, One Book title on January 28th, 2022 (next Friday). The oldest child in the family will bring the book-bag home and inside the bag is the family copy of the book (to keep), a letter with the reading schedule and challenge activity, and a few surprises. We’re very excited to kick off our literacy project!!
A few items you may want to keep on hand for our One School, One Book Spirit Week are any clothing items that are blue, purple and gold.
Family Literacy Day - January 27th is Family Literacy Day. We have all sorts of activities planned for our students. We’re keeping the activities a surprise for now, but please ask your child(ren) throughout the week what we’ve been doing. They will be engaged in synergistic activities, competing with the other classes as well as individual activities. If you are interested in joining us, please email your child’s homeroom teacher.
Valentine’s Day - One of the best days of the year! I love Valentine’s Day!! We are so excited for upcoming days and Valentine’s Day is always a fun one!! If you are sending in Valentine’s cards or treats (individually wrapped and can be distributed by a designated adult (volunteer, EA or teacher)), we are kindly asking to have them in to the school by Friday, February 11th, 2022 (so they have time to sit for 24 hours prior to distribution).
Phys. Ed - Our top-notch athletes just finished up our floor hockey unit (and are still in lunchtime floor hockey intramurals until the end of the month). We have started our basketball unit and will tie in skating as well. In February, we will be curling (in the gymnasium). March will feature our ‘Just Dance’ unit, basketball intramurals, fitness and start our racquet sports unit. We have tentatively scheduled swimming lessons for the end of March and the beginning of April.
Career Planning - Our students engage in goal-setting and career exploration at an early age. We have an outdoor career fair organized for the spring and can’t wait to hear what our experts have to share with us. Our teachers are continually exposing students to different career paths in all of their classes so students have a depth of knowledge prior to leaving Stavely School. It is important for them to have an idea of career interests so they can appropriately choose their JR/SR option classes.
Masks will continue to be mandatory for Gr 4-12 students and all staff. We will receive another supply of masks next week and will continue to distribute them to students. All visitors to the school will continue to be required to wear masks. Masks are also strongly recommended for K - 3 students but not mandatory. Masks remain mandatory for all students, teachers, staff members and visitors on school buses and publicly accessible transit, such as municipal buses, taxis and ride-shares.
Rapid Test Kits will also be delivered next week and we will send home one kit with each student after they arrive. If you previously opted out of the rapid kits and would like to now receive one, please let Twyla know.
Thank you to everyone for running through the Alberta Health Daily Checklist each day to screen for COVID-19 and staying at home when sick with any symptoms. Your cooperation in this area is critical to ensure we are able to continue to offer in-person learning. Details regarding when to isolate and for how long are on the AHS Daily Checklist.