One School One Book

Reading aloud at home is valuable because it better prepares your child to be an effective reader, and it is also a fun, worthwhile family activity. With the One School, One Book program, we aim to build a Community of Readers at Stavely School. Everyone – students, parents, teachers, principal, EAs and admin assistant - all be following along together.
The benefits of reading aloud are remarkable. Studies have shown that reading to children helps them to listen longer with intent, build bigger vocabularies, understand concepts deeply as they can ask timely questions, and to feel positive about both books and learning. When an entire school reads the same book, the buzz and excitement around the book augments these benefits.
Each family will receive a copy of our book to keep. Along with the book, you will receive a reading schedule, craft, activities and a bookmark. Please try to stay on schedule as much as you can as each day at school the students will be given a question and be entered in a draw box if they are able to answer the question. In class, students will explore the book through activities and discussion. It is exciting for everyone if the story unravels together so please try not to read ahead! The questions will encourage and reward attentive listening.
Along with daily questions at school, there will also be a family question posted on our webpage and Twitter account. Each family can send in their answer each week to be entered in a draw for a $25.00 Chapters gift card.
We will also be entering family names in our home reading picture draw. Please email a picture of your family reading our book together to to be entered in the draw for another $25.00 Chapters gift card. Your picture will be posted on our bulletin board.
We hope that you’ll enjoy this special reading time with your children. "When a whole school reads a book, there's a lot to talk about." With your help, we can build a Community of Readers at our school!